Having wildlife in the garden is good for the bees and butterflies and good for us. Few sights are prettier than a butterfly flitting around. Bees and butterflies are looking for food and they will make your garden a regular stopping place if you provide the sort of food by way of flowers they like.
You do not even need to have a garden some bulbs can be grown in containers and put on a windowsill or small patio.
The bulbs are packed in a large brown paper bag with handle and contains 101 butterfly and Bee attracting summer flower bulbs.
The bag contains 33 x Allium Moly 4/5, 10 x Acidanthera/Peacock Orchids 6/8, 10 x Allium Neapolitanum 4/5, 8 x Gladiolus Mix 8/10, 20 x Oxalis Deppei Iron Cross 4/5, 20 x Sparaxis Mix 4/5. 6 different varieties in total. Top quality Dutch flower bulbs Each bulb variety is individually packed and clearly labelled.
This is the perfect all-in-one big buy pack which contains the best butterfly and bees summer bulb varieties.