This magnificent red rose bouquet is a timeless arrangement featuring roses, elderflower and berries. These vibrant flowers stay looking fresh and full of life all year round, making a brilliant alternative to a real bouquet.
The flowers are made from high-quality fabric that does not wilt or fade – ideal for floral displays both inside and outdoors. The stems are made from plastic with wire running through the centre – this allows each of the stems to be bent and modelled to create the most ideal and fullest shape possible. The stems are also easily cut shorter with the use of pliers meaning the flowers can fit perfectly within any vase or space.
This delightful arrangement does not just look perfect in your own home, but can also make an incredible gift – it comes packaged with a gift tag that allows you to write your own personal message to your loved one. These flowers are also available to purchase with rustic brown wrapping.
As can be seen in the images, the bouquet is packed in a cardboard box with the stems tied down to prevent excessive movement during transit - the bouquet may be slightly compressed or out of shape upon arrival. This can be easily remedied by gently rearranging the foliage and stems once placed in a vase. It should be noted that the vases shown in the pictures are not included.
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